Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery is ‘keyhole’ or ‘minimally invasive’ surgery. It is the technique of performing surgery through one or more very small skin incisions, rather than one large incision. Through these small incisions, ports are placed to pass a telescope and instruments, and carbon dioxide is used to inflate an operating work space. Laparoscopic surgery’s main advantages are the reduction of pain and shortening of recovery period compared to traditional open surgical incisions. Other potential advantages include a close-up and magnified view of internal organs allowing precise surgery, as well as reduced blood loss and a superior cosmetic appearance. Laparoscopic surgery has been the standard of care for many years in various surgical fields (such as gall bladder and kidney removal), and when performed by a trained surgeon is as safe and effective as open surgery.

We perform the following procedures:
  • • Radical Nephrectomy for Kidney cancer
  • • Simple Nephrectomy for Chronic Kidney infection or non functioning Kidney
  • • Pyeloplasty for obstruction at the junction of Kidney and ureter (PUJO)
  • • Adrenalectomy for adrenal tumours
  • • Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer